Is it true that the primary prevention of breast cancer does not exist? And half of surveys for which we tout ads for the diagnosis of breast disease has nothing to do?
- Many believe that the prevention of breast diseases sufficiently checked by a gynecologist or general practitioner ...
- Only mammologist - a specialist in the field of disease diagnosis was breast cancer, and not anything else! In order to determine pathology, must have expertise in this area of medicine and a great experience. And it's not all: the right strategy diagnosis can also choose only mammologist.
- In advertising, every now and then hear a prompt to action on breast cancer screening with thermal imaging equipment, electronic briefcase, computer tomography. Should we trust them?
- Complete rubbish! About the first two places I generally keep quiet, but even the CT scanner, which is actually used for the diagnosis of many diseases, the diagnosis of pathological processes in the breast has nothing to do. Type of diagnostic mammologist chooses, identifying high risk women. First collected history, that is, find out the age, whether in the family disease of the breast and other individual characteristics. As a rule, up to 35 years is sufficient to palpation and ultrasonography. With horror, we hear that some women under 35 years referred for a mammogram - it makes no sense at this age! Send it, usually after 45 years of age is at risk. If by history likelihood of breast cancer is high, at our center, the only one in Kazan, making genetic analysis of an inherited cancer. The risk of cancer in these women is extremely high. Inherited cancer in our region is 3 - 4% of all malignant breast disease. It is clear that the tactics of diagnosis and prevention of these women have special parameters.
- Please tell us about the primary prevention of ...
- This does not exist! Primary prevention - something that can prevent cancer. But such methods modern science of radiology does not know! Advice on proper nutrition, avoidance of harmful habits, timely delivery and breast-feeding, of course, good and welcome. But to prevent occurrence of cancer, they can not. The main thing - to find the formation of tumors at an early stage. Then the recovery is guaranteed 100%. And the treatment itself in a less aggressive and traumatic than in the later stages. Therefore, the only prevention of breast cancer - secondary prevention. In other words, early treatment of mastitis, or benign tumors.
- Who is at risk?
- The first woman of 45 years. Second, the emergence of the disease affects estrogen (hormone), the load that a woman receives throughout life. That is, the more years of continued menstruation and late menopause, the greater the risk. Third, the presence of close who have had breast cancer. These are the main risk factors. Others - late delivery, non-breastfeeding, smoking and so on. If they can influence the occurrence of cancer, it is only in the complex. Their evidence is not proved.
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